Skin tightening (Ulthera, Lutronic Infini RF, Thermi RF)

As we age, the collagen and other underlying structures in our skin begin to slowly degrade, leading to skin laxity and skin sagging over time. We offer a host of devices aimed at stimulating collagen regrowth, restoring elasticity and firmness, and providing you with a more youthful, more vibrant appearance.

What do these tightening devices treat?

These tightening devices treat unwanted skin sagging and skin laxity of the face, neck, and chest.

How long is the downtime?

The downtime will vary based on your individual treatment and intensity level, however these procedures are typically well-tolerated with relatively little downtime.

What will I need to do prior to treatment?

We will plan to see you for consultation prior to your treatment. At this time, we will obtain a detailed history and create a treatment plan custom tailored to your individual needs. 

When will I see results?

The timeline of your results will vary based on the treatment you select. Your results will start to become apparent as your skin heals. In some cases, results continue to evolve for up to 6 months.

Skin tightening treatment devices available at our clinic:


Regardless of how hard you work out and how healthy you eat, some parts of the body will put up resistance to trimming down. The space between your neck and jawline, known as the submental area, is one of those places and is the most commonly treated with Ultherapy. Other places include the upper chest, eyebrows, forehead, cheeks, and neck. This system uses ultrasound technology to deliver wave energy to the affected areas, causing collagen regrowth. This is a non-surgical procedure with no downtime and results that typically show up to 6 months of the initial treatment.

Infini RF

The Infini-RF treatment system combines radio-frequency technology with a micro-needling technique to get long-lasting results with minimal downtime. Radio-frequency energy stimulates the body to produce elastin and collagen, restoring your skin’s natural firmness and vibrancy. The micro-needling treatment produces a similar effect, temporarily wounding the skin using tiny needles. This non-ablative process causes the body to produce collagen in the affected area for the same enhanced firmness. Following the treatment, you should see enhanced elasticity and firmness as time goes by.

Thermi RF

Designed to easily and effectively target the subdermal layer of the skin using radiofrequency energy. By targeting this layer, Thermi RF is able to address concerns related to skin laxity and wrinkles by stimulating the body to produce additional collagen. This serves to restore elasticity and firmness to the skin that can smooth wrinkles and tighten problem areas. Thermi RF produces results faster than other treatments, with the initial results being visible after 6-8 weeks. As a non-invasive treatment, Thermi RF allows for quick recovery time, with the resulting redness and tenderness passing in one or two days.

If you want to know what Northwestern Skin and Laser can do for you, contact us at 404-513-6372 to schedule an appointment. Our helpful team will lead you through the intake process and ensure that you’re able to get the most of your first visit to our offices. Aging doesn’t have to leave your youth and beauty behind, Dr. Murad Alam and Dr. Simon Yoo have helped hundreds of patients reach their aesthetic goals in the Chicago, IL, area. During your visit to 676 N St Clair St, you’ll start your journey by explaining the improvements you’d like to make and receiving consultation on how our services can help you reach them. Call now and begin your path to the beautiful skin you’ve always wanted.